Exhibition Baruch Elron Paintings

The Municipal Art Gallery of Afula, Israel organizes the exhibition Baruch Elron Paintings 1934 – 2006, curator Ruthie Kalimi. The opening of the exhibition will be held on Wednesday, 8th of May 2013, in the presence of the Mayor Mr. Avi Alkabetz, Ambassador of Romania in Israel, Mr. Edward Iosiper, Mr. Micha Harish, Chairman of The United Organization of Romanian Immigrants in Israel and Mr. Ze’ev Schwartz, Chairman of the Association of immigrants from Romania.

Baruch Elron Paintings

Baruch Elron Paintings

Baruch Elron (1934-2006) was born in Bucharest, in a family of Sephardic Jews. He studied Painting at the Nicolae Grigorescu Fine Arts Academy in Bucharest. Among his teachers were the great artists Corneliu Baba, Ciucurencu, Steriadi and Yosef Molnar. During his student years, Elron made several study trips to Moscow, Prague and Budapest where he spent his time in the museums, studying the great masters.

In 1958, he was granted the Excellency Award at the International Art Fair of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A year later, in Moscow, he received the prize of the Moscow Youth Festival.

After graduating from the academy, he began to work as a graphic artist, as a book illustrator and in advertising.

In 1960, he received the Prize for Book Illustration at the Dresden Book Fair in Germany.

In 1963, Baruch Elron moved to Israel and in 1966, Baruch Elron had his first solo exhibition in Tel Aviv, closely followed by many others: New York 1967), Montreal and Toronto (1969).

Between 1974-1976, he took part at the International Art Fair of Dusseldorf and Koln, in Germany. In the following years, he had solo exhibitions in almost all the biggest cities of Germany and in German museums such as The Solingen Art Museum and Gustav Lubke Museum.

He also exhibited in France, Holland, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Croatia, United States and of course in Israel among many other countries.

In 1997, he received the ACMEOR Prize for Plastic Arts and in 1998 Baruch Elron was granted the Israel Jubilee award, for artistic and cultural achievements..

In 2000, he was offered the Special recognition award by the Iancolovici Foundation, in Haifa.

Between 1985 – 1994, Baruch Elron was the Chairman of the Union of Artists of Israel. He also taught painting at the Herzliya Art Musem, the Warrior’s House (where he used painting in order to psychologically treat Israel’s wounded soldiers) and at the Popular University

Retrospective exhibitions took place in Israel, Monaco, France, Romania.

In 2011 and 2012, several artworks of Baruch Elron were displayed at the International collective exhibitions “The Spirit of Art” in London and “Lights in winter” (The Archeological Museum of Jaffa, Israel ) and “Israel’s Gems”, in the U.K.

In 2011, Baruch Elron’s painting “Exodus” appeared on the cover of the book “Maranatha”, Niram Art Publishing House, Madrid.

In December 2011, the Third Edition of the Niram Art Cultural Awards, offered in Madrid by the Niram Art Publishing House and Art Magazine honored Baruch Elron’s life and art.




“The Magical World of Baruch Elron”, by Miriam Or, Israel, 2004

“Baruch Elron”, by Héctor Martínez Sanz, Niram Art Editorial, 2012, Spain

Guides through the Labyrinth – Painting of the Present Day: Neomannerism From Surrealism to Meditation by Gustav René Hocke, Limes, 1975

Baruch Elron’s work is mentioned in Gerhard Habarta’s Fantastic Art Lexicon: Lexikon der Phantastischen Künstler.

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