Portuguese painter Gil Teixeira Lopes presents Breaths of life exhibition

 Gil Teixeira Lopes was born in Bragança in 1936. Commander of the Order of Infante D. Henrique. Honorary Member of the National Academy of Fine Arts. Gold Medal of the cities of Genoa (Italy) and Mirandela (Portugal). From 1947 to 1955 was artistic training at Casa Pia de Lisboa and from 1955 to 1960, at the School of Fine Arts. From 1960 to 1995 he served as Professor at the School of Fine Arts of Lisbon and Professor at the School of Fine Arts. Held also teaching posts at several art courses at the Military Academy, at Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon and at National Society of Fine Arts. Developed research at the National Chalcography and engraving of the Institute of High Culture.

 Gil Teixeira Lopes - Museu da Cidade Lisbon

Gil Teixeira Lopes – Museu da Cidade Lisbon

“Breaths of life” is the latest exhibition of the artist, to open at Museu da Cidade Lisboa, on January 31st 2014.

Gallery of works by the artist : MAC Lisboa

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