Portadas de Baruch Elron presentados en Europoems, Paris

Varios libros cuyas portadas eran reproducciones de obras del pintor Baruch Elron fueron presentados en la exposición de poesía que tuvo lugar durante la reunión Europoems que tuvo lugar en noviembre en París. En el marco de este evento, Lydia Elron hizo la presentación “El mundo mágico de Baruch Elron” – por Miriam Or, Israel.

Más informaciones: Europoems en Paris


Libros con portadas de Baruch Elron presentados en la reunión Europoems:


Ana Blandiana, Selected Poems

Ana Blandiana, Selected Poems, [Hebrew]

Introduction by Moshe Granot & Shaul Carmel,

Translated to Hebrew by Moshe Granot & Shaul Carmel,

Copyright KESHEV Publ. House, Printed in Israel, 2007.

Cover Page: Baruch Elron: “Road Player’ The Music series”, Oil on Canvas, (60/40) 1990.

Elron identifies himself with the music player, holding in his arm an ancient organ. The Organ is the symbol of a composite music relevant to the composite art of Baruch Elron. His paintings are the reflections of Poetry conceived as music (In Hebrew, the name given to Poetry is Song, or Music [Shira].


Bianca Marcovici, Putin blond cu mult farmec

Bianca Marcovici, Putin blond cu mult farmec: poeme alese, (Romanian)

Editura Hasefer, 2004.

Cover Page by Baruch Elron: “The Cello Player”

Elron as nature lover represents himself as a musician inspired by the singing birds, reminding Maria Callas’s story of her musical training by paying deep attention to the singing birds.



Georgeta Adam, Imaginarul Poeziei Feminine

Georgeta Adam, Imaginarul Poeziei Feminine,

O sectiune de aur, [Romanian]

Cover Page by Baruch Elron: “The Source”.

The source of inspiration for the artist is Love (viewed as Lydia Elron – his wife), escorted by flying, singing birds, poetry and the double symbol of Life and Death – a pair of little fishes descending within a stream of water to the large sea of time and space.



Mihai Beniuc

Mihai Beniuc, Ultima Scrisoare de Dragoste, Poezii, [Romanian],

Editura Grai si Suflet – Cultura Nationala Bucuresti, 1999.

Cover page: Baruch Elron: “Flora”, Oil on Canvas

This painting symbolizes the duality of creation – in heaven as well as on earth: Flora creates beautiful flowers, but also a thorn, growing out of the egg.



Orit Sailis

Orit Sailis, TZohar (written in between 1978-1982), [Hebrew],

Prose, Beit Alim, Israel,

Cover page: Illustration by Baruch Elron:”Woman – as an Open cage” (Ink & Wash on paper).

In several paintings, Elron represents the woman as a house or a cage, a shelter or a prison.

Here, in this specific drawing, the woman is a cage with an open window that allows the souls to fly away freely.


Shaul Carmel, A Lost Smile

Shaul Carmel, A Lost Smile, (Hebrew) Israel, 2002

Illustration by Rina Zadka.

Cover by Baruch Elron: “The Talking Eyes”, Oil on Wood (36/28cm), 1980.

We know that sometimes silence can speak more loudly then words. Here the eyes speak.


Shaul Carmel

Shaul Carmel, Dupa Ultima Mea Moarte, CARTEA ROMANEASCA, 2002.

Cover Page: Baruch Elron: “Apotheosis (Renaissance) Reviving”, Acrylic on wood, (60/35 ), 1973.

In this painting, Baruch Elron presents his deep belief in the resurrection of the soul, which is eternal and is continually growing and spreading like the tree of life. Therefore, he paints himself as flying away from the grave, dressed in red colored clothes – symbol of life and warmth.



Shaul CarmelShaul Carmel, INGERUL TARZIU, [ANTOLOGIE],

Editura Hasefer, Bucuresti, 2003

Cover Page: Baruch Elron: “The Power of Destiny”, [Fortuna], Oil on Canvas, (100/40cm), 2001.

In spite of our shields, we cannot protect ourselves forever. Destiny is sometimes stronger than us.


Shaul CarmelShaul Carmel, EU ABEL – EU CAIN,

Editura: Cartea Romaneasca, 2004.

Cover Page by Baruch Elron:”The Creation of the Universe”, (Bible Series), Oil on canvas,(140/120 cm),1990.

Concentrated picture of events which occurred in the myth of Creation



Shaul CarmelShaul Carmel, Sanul Drept al Amazoanei

Editura: Cronica, Iasi, 2005.

Cover page: Baruch Elron: “Sodom and Gomorrah”, Oil on Canvas, (120/140), 1995.



Shaul CarmelShaul Carmel, Cerul de sub Pamint,

Editura: Cartea Romaneasca, 2006.

Cover Page: Baruch Elron: The cutting of the Candle of life“,



Shaul CarmelShaul Carmel, Cavaler Al Ordinului Vesniciei

Editura: Cronica, Iasi – 2007.

Cover Page and illustrations by Baruch Elron: “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi II”, Oil on Canvas, (100/70), 1988.

Where we seat and act during our life, we leave our imprint- here is our shadow, meaning “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi ” “So passes away the glory of the World”.


Shaul CarmelShaul Carmel, Fabulosa Licorna

Editura Cronica, 2009.

Cover Page by Baruch Elron :”The Unicorn”, Mixed Technique on canvas, (100/80 cm), Lenard Gallery Collection, 1978.

The Unicorn is represented here according the myth of Daphnis and Chloe.



Shaul CarmelSolo Har, Privire Din Afara

Editura Eminesscu – Bucuresti, 1999.

Illustrations: Genia Berger.

Cover Page by Baruch Eron: The painter’s hand is like a creating angel with wings that elevate his art to heaven, Ink on paper. 1999.

Posted in Baruch Elron.